Saturday, March 31, 2012
Nopal Cactus
nopal cactus, known as prickly pears, paddle cactus, nopales and opuntia (opuntia ficus-indica) is in the family Cactaceae. This prickly pears is a popular fruit to eat, and are commercially available in Mexico. It is a popular fruit to eat, and are generally commercially available in Mexico.
Nopal cactus has more than 400 species.
It has more than 400 species and a variety of species. There was a small sphere connected or to a type that is larger than 2 meters. Nopal cactus plants are the same cylinder, single stem, stems flat oval or rather circular like a leaf. The stem may be longer than 30 cm and has a green or greenish blue. The growth pattern is like a tree. The young shoots can be root a cutting very easily, the needle-like spines are small and hard, but thin.